Sleeping Pranks
Where Is The Alarm?
While your victim is alseep, reset their alarm clock so it goes off at 2am or 3am. But don't place it back on their nightstand. Instead hide it in a closet or behind the tv. The person waking up will be on an early morning hunt for where that annoying sound is coming from. For even more laughs, try unscrewing the lightbulb and watch the person scramble around the room in total darkness.
Wake Up, You're Late!
Reset all the clocks in your house ahead two hours while your victim is sleeping. When he or she wakes up they will think they over slept and are two hours late for work or school.
Going Bald
Go to your local drug store and buy an inexpensive package of hair extensions that match the same color as your victim. While he or she is sleeping cut the hair extensions to about the same size as their hair length. When your victim awakes, watch in laughter as they think something happened to their hair while sleeping.
Rude Awakening
Adjust the settings on an alarm clock after your victim falls asleep. Change the alarm to play heavy metal music really loud when it goes off. Then tape the off button and sound control.
Sunbathing And Not Paying Attention
Hold a magnifying glass over someone who is sunbathing. Be prepared to run shortly after you do this.
Bungi Cord Fasten
Fasten someone to their bed with numerous bungi cords.
Coathanger between matress and sheet
Put coathangers between the matress and the sheet.
Multi Alarm Clock Prank
Get lots of cheap alarm clocks and set them to go off at 3:00am and every 20 minutes thereafter. Hide them well.
Wet Toilet Paper
Bury someone several feet deep in wet unrolled toilet paper.
Dude! Youre Glowing!
Pour "cyalume" (the stuff in those glow sticks you see every holoween) on someone then wake them and say, "Dude, you're glowing" and watch them panic.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Sleeping Pranks. Pranks To Do On A Sleeper
Top Pranks. Easy Pranks You Can Do
Top Rated Pranks. How To Do A Great Prank To Anybody
Cereal Box Switch
Remove the plastic bags from cereal boxes and switch them around. Your victim will scratch his head wondering why Cheerios came out of a box of Lucky Charms.
Mail Box Prank
After the mail has already been delivered, fill the mail box with ping pong balls or packing nuts. Then ask someone else to go get the mail.
Lottery Ticket Swap
This one takes some pre-planning. All you have to do is buy someone a lotto ticket today and tomorrow go out early and buy another ticket with the exact same numbers as the winning ticket from yesterday. When the victim of your prank isn't paying attention swap the newer ticket with the old one. When the person looks in the paper for the winning numbers, he or she won't even realize the date is wrong on the ticket and will believe it is the big winner.
Bend Over Splits
Place a dollar bill on the floor and as people walk by and try to pick the dollar up, you stand nearby and tear a small piece of cloth. It will sound as if the victim of the prank actually split their pants and most of the time they will check their rear and leave in embarrasement.
Push or Pull
Print out some signs that read, "Push" and "Pull" and tape them to doors at your local stores. Make sure to place them on the wrong side. Then sit back and watch as people push when they are instructed to pull and vise versa
Shoe Polish Phone Prank
Coat the reciever of someone's phone with shoe polish and then give them a call. Instant gratification. Make sure you match the colors of the polish and the phone. Small amounts of shaving cream work too.
Upside Down Cup
Fill a cup with water about half way. Then place an index card over the cup. Then turn the cup upside down on your co-worker's desk. Finally, carefully slide the index card out from underneath the cup. Whenever your co-worker decides to pick the cup up, he will be drenched in water.
Bar Of Soap Lather Prank
Take some nail polish and coat a bar of soap with it. Let it dry. Then put it in the bathroom shower. When your victim tries to use it, he or she will go nuts trying to get it to lather up.
Ypto Ypto...errr!!! TYPO!
Be carefull with this one, as to not ruin the keyboard. All you have to do is simply and very carefully remove a few keys and switch them around. If your victim is one of those "look up and down" typers. He or she will be very confused while trying to get work done.
Confusing Drawers
Before your co-worker arrives at the office remove his desk drawers and switch them around. He will definantly scratch his head over this one. Hint: In case you cannot remove the drawers, just remove the items and swap them.
Lecture Prank. Teacher Prank Video
Lecture Prank.
Watch this funny prank done to a teacher during his class
Trailer Trash Talking Dolls. Mullet Hair Dolls
Trailer Trash Talking Doll JerWayne Junior
"Fifteen of them beers and yer still ugly!"
For the last time, we ain't havin' no yard sale!
I'm fixin' to be your doublewide daddy
Ain't nothin' sadder than a doublewide with no beer
Honest! I'm not lyin' through my tooth!
Farts. Pulling Off A Great Fart Gag
Buy Liquid Ass Prank Here
Fake Parking Ticket Pranks. How To Give Rude Parking Tickets
See all these fake traffic tickets here
Our fake parking tickets are truly hilarious! Slap one on the windshield of rude parkers, co-workers, neighbors or who ever and they will think they received a real parking ticket until they read the offense. These are not your typical fake parking tickets, not only will these make people run up to their car in a frantic, thinking they received a ticket, but it ads insult to injury with a funny rude twist. These are BRIGHT NEON ORANGE and measure 4 inches wide by 7.75 inches high. Printed on thick card stock, our funny parking tickets make a great practical joke! See all these fake traffic tickets here
•Mentally Handicapped Driver
•Parking Like a Jack-Ass
•Driving a Hunk of Crap
•Inventing a Parking Space
•Taking Up 2 Spaces (Jerk!)
•Too Stupid to Drive a Car
•Ugly Driver Violation
•Parking While Under The Influence of Rap Music
•Parking While Being a Real Bitch
•Plus many more!
From the Front of the Ticket:
Having received this traffic offense is evidence of your complete and total disregard for proper parking procedures. You may not appeal this case, as you are probably too dumb to understand that word. You must not appear in court, as you would probably just smell up the court house. You may not consult an attorney as you definitely can not afford one. You are a menace to society, and a real loser. I hope you eat rotten fish for dinner tonight. Failure to laugh over this is further indication of your stupidity.
PET PEEVE PARKING CARDS - (PrankPlace Exclusive) Did you ever come out of a store or restaurant to discover some jerk has parked their car, truck or SUV so close to your car-door that you need to climb in through the passenger side? Give those jerks a piece of your mind with our Pet Peeve Parking Cards. Six different cards per package each measures 4" x 6", featuring an adorable cartoon character flippin' them the bird and some even give a full moon to the parking numskulls. The back of each card says "Thanks for parking so close! next time leave a f$%king can opener so I can get my car out! Assholes like you should take the bus!" Imagine the frustration on their face when they come out to find this on on there window.
Beer Can Wrap Pranks. Convert Your Beer Cans to Soda Cans
Instantly Convert Your Beer Cans to Soda Cans