Top Rated Pranks
Cereal Box Switch
Remove the plastic bags from cereal boxes and switch them around. Your victim will scratch his head wondering why Cheerios came out of a box of Lucky Charms.
Mail Box Prank
After the mail has already been delivered, fill the mail box with ping pong balls or packing nuts. Then ask someone else to go get the mail.
Lottery Ticket Swap
This one takes some pre-planning. All you have to do is buy someone a lotto ticket today and tomorrow go out early and buy another ticket with the exact same numbers as the winning ticket from yesterday. When the victim of your prank isn't paying attention swap the newer ticket with the old one. When the person looks in the paper for the winning numbers, he or she won't even realize the date is wrong on the ticket and will believe it is the big winner.
Bend Over Splits
Place a dollar bill on the floor and as people walk by and try to pick the dollar up, you stand nearby and tear a small piece of cloth. It will sound as if the victim of the prank actually split their pants and most of the time they will check their rear and leave in embarrasement.
Push or Pull
Print out some signs that read, "Push" and "Pull" and tape them to doors at your local stores. Make sure to place them on the wrong side. Then sit back and watch as people push when they are instructed to pull and vise versa
Shoe Polish Phone Prank
Coat the reciever of someone's phone with shoe polish and then give them a call. Instant gratification. Make sure you match the colors of the polish and the phone. Small amounts of shaving cream work too.
Upside Down Cup
Fill a cup with water about half way. Then place an index card over the cup. Then turn the cup upside down on your co-worker's desk. Finally, carefully slide the index card out from underneath the cup. Whenever your co-worker decides to pick the cup up, he will be drenched in water.
Bar Of Soap Lather Prank
Take some nail polish and coat a bar of soap with it. Let it dry. Then put it in the bathroom shower. When your victim tries to use it, he or she will go nuts trying to get it to lather up.
Ypto Ypto...errr!!! TYPO!
Be carefull with this one, as to not ruin the keyboard. All you have to do is simply and very carefully remove a few keys and switch them around. If your victim is one of those "look up and down" typers. He or she will be very confused while trying to get work done.
Confusing Drawers
Before your co-worker arrives at the office remove his desk drawers and switch them around. He will definantly scratch his head over this one. Hint: In case you cannot remove the drawers, just remove the items and swap them.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Top Rated Pranks. Easy To Do Pranks. Tools For Pranks
Top Ten College Pranks of All Time
Top Ten College Pranks of All Time
High-Tech Pranks. Best Computer Pranks
Best Computer Pranks . The 25 Best High-Tech Pranks
Everyone loves a good laugh, and in the age of electronics, high-tech hijinks are just waiting to be pulled off. So snuggle up to your screen and get ready to unleash all sorts of shenanigans as we present the 25 best high-tech pranks known to man. Our apologies in advance to your friends and co-workers.
1. The Restart Remap
We start with one sure to throw off even the most advanced Windows user. Setup is simple and you need only a few seconds alone on someone’s computer. When you get a chance, sneak over and right-click your pal’s icon to Internet Explorer or some other commonly used program. Edit the properties and change the target to: “%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00″ Now, every time your buddy tries to run IE, his machine will mysteriously restart — and your laughter will instantly result.
2. Startup Folder Fun
While we’re on the topic of system startups, the Windows Startup folder is a fantastic place for fun. Create a text file with an amusing message and throw it in there so your cubicle mate will get a daily greeting — or, if you really want to get evil, add in the restart shortcut from above (not recommended unless you just want to get your ass kicked).
3. Disappearing Desktop
A classic computer prank never goes out of style. The desktop image trick has been around for a bit, but rest assured: There are plenty of unsuspecting victims still to be found. Just head over to an unattended computer, minimize all the windows, and hit the Print Screen key. Paste the captured image into any graphic editing program — even Microsoft Paint will do — then save the file and set it as the desktop background. Then, all you have to do is hide the actual icons on the desktop — put them in a folder somewhere — and your victim will try endlessly to click the nonexistent icons, which are actually just part of the background image. For another variation, leave one program open when you capture the screen and watch as the person tries to click on it, type in it, and close it to no avail.
4. Auto-Insult
There are few things funnier than forcing a friend to insult himself — and Microsoft has made it easy to do just that. Take a moment to edit the Autocorrect feature in your colleague’s Word or Outlook (it’s in the Tools menu in both programs). Add a new entry to replace their name with “douche,” and watch how much more interesting all their emails and documents will suddenly become. A little creativity can take this one in plenty of different and equally entertaining directions.
5. Serius Buisness
While you’re in the Word or Outlook settings, another good place to tamper is the dictionary. Replace a few correct words with common misspellings just for giggles. Just be sure to let this one play out and get resolved before your co-worker sends any official memos to the entire corporation.
6. Annoying Audio
A small investment will have a big payoff with the ThinkGeek Annoy-a-Tron. This little $10 gadget can brighten even the dreariest of offices. It looks like a computer part, but when you flip the switch, this fella sends out annoying beeps and buzzes at random intervals. You can toggle between different grating sounds, too. The thing is magnetic, so you just slap it on the back of someone’s computer and watch them try to figure out where that awful noise is coming from (hint: they never will).
7. Phantom of the Office
Taking the Annoy-a-Tron up a notch, the Phantom Keystroker actually plugs into a USB port and then makes random key presses or mouse movements every few minutes. You can control the frequency and the kind of emissions. For $25, this may be worth every penny — especially if you can write it off as a business expense.
8. Manual Control
If your budget doesn’t have a tab for “pranking gadgets,” you can always go the manual route and utilize the USB port to attach a second mouse to a neighboring tower. This works especially well with a person across from you, if you can get under your desk and access the back of their computer. Plug in, wiggle away, and watch them squirm. Added points if you have a wireless mouse.
9. The Speaker Swap
Since you’re already under the desk, try out another switcheroo: the speaker swap. Just plug their speakers into your computer. Now start playing something like a low-frequency heartbeat sound on loop and see how long they try to stop the nuisance on their computer. For a more powerful variation, don’t switch the actual wires, but instead just swap out one of your speakers — preferably the one without the volume control — with theirs. Now they’ll still hear their own system sounds from the remaining speaker, and as an added bonus, they’ll have no way to control the volume of your annoying antics.
10. The Wrath of Rotation
A simple but quick and always amusing prank is putting the screen rotation hotkeys to uses Microsoft never intended. Just run by a co-worker’s desk, reach over and hit Ctrl-Alt-up or down to rotate their monitor orientation. If you have some alone time, you can one-up it by also going into the Control Panel and setting their mouse to left-handed. They’ll spend 10 minutes with their head tilted sideways trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
11. Mousing Around
The laser mouse may have ended the era of mouse-ball stealing, but it opened up another option. Stick a few layered pieces of transparent tape on the bottom side of your friend’s mouse to really mess with its functionability. Or, for bonus points, tape a small Post-It note that says “Why won’t my mouse work?” over the laser.
12. A Pointer Pointer
Another great mouse prank awaits you in the Control Panel. Under the “Mouse” settings’ “Pointer” tab, change the default mouse pointer to the hourglass. Suddenly, the system is always busy working! What’s going on?!
13. Mousing Around
Spend some more time in the “Mouse” settings and you’ll find more fun to be had. Try switching out a pal’s primary and secondary button functions for full confusion, or move the pointer speed to either extreme fast or extreme slow to give them some extreme frustration.
14. Phone Fun
Let’s shift to the phone for a bit. First, a service that never gets old: Just surf over and enter a friend’s phone number. You can pick from a bunch of different voices and styles, then enter any message you want, and it’ll call them and say it aloud. You can pull three of these pranks every day at no charge, which ought to leave you plenty of obnoxious options.
15. Telephone Twist
Two other sites bring a different twist to telephone troubles. and let you call anyone and have whatever number you want show up in CallerID. See how confused your girlfriend gets when you call her cell phone…from her cell phone. Each service only lets you make three calls per phone number before they make you pay, but that’s enough to give you ample amusement. Oh, and it’s still legal, though that might change — so get on this while you can.
16. Bluetooth Blues
“The Office” popularized our next prank, and man, is it ever a winner. Grab your co-worker’s cell phone when they leave it sitting around and pair your Bluetooth headset up to it. Now you can take and make all their calls. Jim Halpert, you are one wise dude.
17. Customized Commotion
Know anyone with the kind of cell phone that displays a customizable message on the main screen? This next one’s for them. When you can, go into their phone’s settings and change the message to “NO SERVICE.” Guaranteed reaction upon their return.
18. Remote Control
Back to the computer for some more advanced antics. This one may be more suited for a close friend or significant other, as you’ll have to install something, and you could probably get fired for doing it at work. Set up a VNC (virtual network computing) server on their system. You can find free ones like TightVNC for Windows or OSXvnc for Macs. Once you get through the configuration, you can click, type, and do anything on their system from your own computer. Do some subtle things like occasional keypresses or program launches and see how perplexed they become. We don’t recommend keeping this up for long, though, or you may suffer serious consequences with their anger (and you may also witness some disturbing pornographic habits as an unintended side effect).
19. The Modern-Day Poltergeist
The less invasive alternative to that idea is a program called Office Poltergeist, and it’s now available as a simple Firefox extension. Once you get this baby installed, you can play annoying sounds, load new web pages, shake windows around, and send popup messages on someone else’s computer. It even has a feature to replace every instance of a word on a web page with another word of your choosing. We suggest swapping “internet” for “intercourse.”
20. Printing Power
If you’re network-savvy, jot this next one down. Do a little investigative work and figure out where your office’s network printer folder is located. Once you have that nugget of info, you’re golden. Navigate over to that path, select any printer, and click connect. You now have the power to print and send random paper messages to other areas of your office with no explanation.
21. Screen Scream
Our next prank comes courtesy of Microsoft, surprisingly enough. The programmers there released an office “Blue Screen of Death” simulator. Install the screensaver on an unsuspecting IT guy’s PC and see the feared symbol of system error pop up after a few minutes of inactivity.
22. Bad Vision
On the subject of screens, the Windows Control Panel provides our next opportunity for mischief. Go into the advanced settings and try shifting the brightness all the way down and the contrast all the way up if you really want to mess with a visionary’s vision.
23. Crazy Keys
Want to drive your friend crazy with his own keyboard? Visit the Regional and Language Settings under the Windows Control Panel for some fun. An arguably insane guy named August Dvorak created an alternate keyboard layout that — big surprise — never took off. But you can still access it and make normal typing impossible. Just go under the Languages tab, click Details, then Add, and you’ll find the option to completely remap the keyboard.
24. Rules of Pranking
Outlook Rules, as a general rule, can make for great pranks. Try setting up one on your co-worker’s computer so that any email from you causes a festive sound to be played, a hard copy to be printed, and a copy to be instantly forwarded back to them for extra emphasis. There are plenty more variations you can try once that combo gets old.
25. Hotkey Hell
Our final prank may be the most tortuous of all. A little program called AutoHotKey — quite the handy utility for legitimate purposes — lets you assign all sorts of macros to key combinations of your choosing. You don’t even have to install anything on anyone else’s computer, as you create the scripts on your own system and can then convert them to executable files that you simply run on another machine. With some very basic scripting, you can cause any string of text to be automatically replaced with something else, regardless of what program the person is in. You can also remap basic hotkeys like Ctrl-P to do anything you want — like open Outlook and send a message to you letting you know how awesome you are. Spend some time with this one and you’ll find enough pranks to keep your hijinks on high output.
So there you have it: the 25 best high-tech pranks. Use them well and use them wisely — and don’t come to us if anyone inflicts physical harm upon you as a result.
Mall Pranks. Cell Phone Mall Pranks
Funny pranks done at a mall with a cell phone. Shows how people react when they overhear a phone converatation
Funny Prank Video. Pie In The Face
You know what they say about curiosity :)
Though a foreign video, these guys make it easy to understand what they are doing. Kind of funny....if you like pie!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fake Tongue Piercing. Fake Tongue Ring Gag. Tongue Piercing Video
No need for pain. Get this fake tongue ring and freakout your friends, parents, boss, gitlfriend, boyfriend...whatever
Envious of those badass punks with all the cool piercings? Our magnetic body jewelry will help you fit right in. Just put the magnet on one inside of your skin, and the stud on the outside and voila - instant badass piercing! Shock your teachers, friends, employers, and parents!
You know you've always wanted a tongue ring, but having a huge needle go through your tongue is just freaky. So here's your chance to finally get your wish. Our special tongue ring stud stays on using suction, and as you can see, it looks real enough to fool your mom!
Toilet Prank. Jell-O Gelatin in the Toilet Prank
Jell-O Gelatin in the Toilet Prank
Skill Level: Easy
Materials: Plain or lemon flavored gelatin
The Jell-O gelatin in the toilet prank is perhaps one of the oldest of the old school practical jokes, probably coming in just after short sheeting someone’s bed, but earns a lot more points on the gross factor because of the results.
I’ve found over the years that this practical joke is best done at parties, especially those held at a frat house, where there is a greater chance for the prankster and his fraternity brothers can really take in the post execution spectacle that is this joke.
To pull this prank, simply dump a packet of gelatin (Jell-O is a brand name, but you can use any brand you can find) into the recipients’ toilet and wait. It’s best if you do this nice and early in the evening so that the stuff has time to harden up before the first victim arrives, otherwise, the first flush after the delivery just sends the joke to the sewers.
When the victim does arrive on the scene, since the toilet water will seem harmless (especially if you use plain or lemon, stay away from cherry or strawberry or it will look like a massacre), they will go about their business. However, this time, thanks to you, they will turn around to flush and find that their little package will be sitting atop Bill Cosby’s favorite dessert, staring back at them in defiance.
Once your victim runs out to bring everyone in to look at the suspended turd and the horror of the event passes, clean up is fairly easy. Simply break up the gelatin with a plunger and the Jell-O and its prison will simply flush away. In all my years of pulling this practical joke, I have never seen it muck up the plumbing or anything like that, so if your host flips out, let them know it will be fine post flush.
Toilet Bowl Pranks. Toilet Bowl Gags. Toilet Pranks Video
Toilet Bowl Pranks. Toilet Bowl Gags
Place cling film (plastic wrap) accross the toilet bowl and lower the seat.
Toilet Bowl Prank 2...
Add a thin layer of Vaseline to the toilet seat. Your victim won't know what it is.
Toilet Bowl Prank 3...
Wait until you're sure the toilet will remain unused for at least 24 hours.
Get 2 - 3 packets of powdered jello and mix it into the toilet water until dissolved.
Let it set. (The more jello you use the harder it will set)
Prank 4... Revenge Toilet Paper is the only toilet paper that will not tear!
Buy some rip-proof toilet paper. Replace the dispensers in your bathroom.
Listen for the reaction!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Best Online Pranks
Best Online Pranks
Sometimes entertaining yourself requires you to abuse your friends. Here are the top five ways you can do so right from your computer:
1. Evil Operator
Allows you to enter two phone numbers and make both numbers call each other. Records the conversation and lets you listen to it after the call is over! It truly is evil.
2. Prank Dial
Enter in a phone number and type a message - this site will call the number and play the message in a creepy voice. Let's you enter in any number to show up on the caller ID!
3. The Ring Prank
Let's you enter your friend's phone number and add personal information about them. The prank generates a video that includes that information in the style of “The Ring”. It gives you a link for you to send to your friend. Once they click the link and watch the video, they get a call from the phone number “000-000-0000” with a message that says “You will die in 7 days.” You can customize the message and have a recording of the call sent to your email.